The well known Greeves enthusiast Gary Bamford is taking over as Chairman of the GRA.

Gary is well known for his love of Greeves motorbikes and provides an outstanding service

for members – spares and repairs. Gary is a sponsor for the Greeves Championship and

I am sure that he will bring his knowledge, enthusiasm and energy to all sections of the GRA.


Bristol Classic Bike Show

A great event at the Bristol bike show, a good Greeves stand with fantastic food provided by Carole Thatcher – thanks Carole much appreciated by all the members who were

News from the Motorcycle Action Group (MAG)

        The Motorcycle Action Group (MAG) has submitted a bold response to the Government’s Integrated National Transport Strategy call for ideas. The response demands an end to

Website and Forum

The new website is now online, with some further adjustments being made in the coming days.  The Forum is back online, all the old  threads and attachments are there. Factory